
Our predecessor agency started in 1974. We continue to excel in the marketplace due to our hard-working, experienced staff members and the excellent insurance companies we represent. We specialize in making your insurance needs our number one priority. Communication and automation provided by our staff will provide you with the best possible solutions for all your insurance needs.
Office Locations
312 East Main St, PO Box 849,
Carbondale, IL 62901
phone 618-457-0471 fax 618-457-0510
Click to view the map
609 South Mill St, PO Box 349
Pinckneyville, IL 62274
phone 618-357-6211
Click to view the map
2909 Beaver Creek Dr.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Click to view the map
Office hours: Monday - Friday 8a.m. - 5p.m.
Alan Rausenberger ciains@midwest.net
Chuck Decker beulah@ciains.net
Jon Jackman jon@ciains.net
Scott Schlenker sschlenker@ciains.net
Dale Pankey dpankey@ciains.net
Dale Pyatt dalepyatt@ciains.net
Melinda Clary melinda@ciains.net
Todd Ward todd@ciains.net
Nancy Strauser nancy@ciains.net
Any indication of rates provided are subject to underwriting, verification of information and acceptance by the insurance company. If you email us a licensed insurance agent will contact you to help determine the best coverage and lowest premium to meet your needs. No coverage is implied and there is no obligation to you, our Agency or the Insurance Companies we represent.